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Animating Pictures

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Animating Pictures

I want to start making videos like this one

but I only have a simple video editor at my disposal, from from which I made this video

is there any software made specifically for this purpose, or if not any that is really good at this job.

While I am here I might as well ask, does anyone know where you can get old video footage, just like black and white footage of anything really

Also those old PSAs like the ones they used in schools about sex and drugs and stuff.

While I am here I might as well ask, does anyone know where you can get old video footage, just like black and white footage of anything really

Also those old PSAs like the ones they used in schools about sex and drugs and stuff.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Hi Ghost, and welcome to the AWN Forums.

The editing software can probably do what you wanted. There isn't any animation to the clip that you liked. All that is really involved is timing the pictures to the audio which it looks like you can do in your example.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

You do do this easily with something as basic as the editing software that comes with the mac... whatever that was called. Super simple. Record your sound first and make sure that its snappy and funny. You'll be able to tell if your timing is off already. Have fun silly head.

Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.