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This Oscar nominated film from Finland is a strange, deadpan comedy about a man who gets off a train, falls asleep on a park bench, is nearly beaten to death by thugs, flatlines at the hospital and then miraculously wakes up.

The man (Markku Peltola) is unable to remember anything about his past. He has been given a clean slate literally. He befriends a security guard and his wife, who help him get on his feet. They live in shipping crates and the man makes a deal with the lot manager to rent one of the crates for himself. The man goes to the Salvation Army for help and ends up launching a relationship with a shy officer named Irma (Kati Outinen).

The characters all have a strange air about them. They carry themselves in a sad, plodding kinds of ways as if the hardships of life have beat all their emotions to a sort of benign detachment. Where the film finds humor is in the absurdities of life. But it never goes for the big laugh and sometimes the jokes make you laugh out loud mainly because they catch you off guard.

The film has a sad tone, but there is a strange joy underneath. The man and Irma are able to find happiness in the simple joys of life. The film also has fun with identity when it comes to how simply having a name entitles you to so much in life. The film has a hint of absurdity to it, but it never plays it over the top.

Director Aki Kaurismäki (LENINGRAD COWBOYS GO AMERICA) rids all polish from the production and just allows you to watch the story unfold and take what you want from it. It’s definitely a comedy for people with off-kilter tastes, but if you let the story just wash over you — it will make you laugh and often make you smile.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks