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A Scanner Darkly Gains Toon Director

Section 8 and A Thousand Words have hired Bob Sabiston as the animation director on Richard Linklater's adaptation of Philip K. Dick's sci-fi novel A SCANNER DARKLY. Sabiston also served as the animation director on Linklater's WAKING LIFE. The animator has directed such shorts as SNACK AND DRINK and ROADHEAD.

In addition, Tommy Pallotta has been brought onto the project to produce along with Anne Walker-McBay. Pallotta has worked with Sabiston previously as a produce on both SNACK AND DRINK and ROADHEAD. Warner Independent Pictures will be distributing the film.

The animation style of the film will be like WAKING LIFE where live-action footage is used as a guide for rotoscoped animation. Keanu Reeves has signed on to star and filming is scheduled to start in May.

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
