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Trunk Animates 'Random Acts' Short

Trunk Animation directors Alasdair & Jock create a new short for Channel Four’s Random Acts, which answers the question, “where do ice-cream vans go in the winter?”


Directors Alasdair & Jock’s latest work is a brilliant, captivating and witty short described by Jock in a question “where do ice-cream vans go in the winter?” Inspired by nature documentaries, Japanese animation and with nods to classic shorts such as The Snowman this charming film is accompanied by a beautiful 1970s electronica inspired score by James Orman with sound design by Barnaby Templer at Fonic. Alasdair notes, “Although the film is based on a fairly absurd notion, we really worked hard to give the film a proper sense of geography and logic to help make the ice cream vans and their journey more believable. We hope that grounding makes the film more engaging and ultimately uplifting”.

Jock notes,“ It was great to have total control over the film, something which Alasdair and I rarely get a chance to do. Trunk’s continuing support during the project helped us to explore more challenging techniques such as complex camera angles that allowed us to create a more cinematic feel to the film”.

The three + minute short came about after Alasdair & Jock won a coveted commission from Channel 4’s innovative daily arts strand Random Acts. Channel 4 set up Random Acts in 2011 to commission 3-minute films from not only established but also emerging talent. Unmediated by presenters and unfettered by the conventions of conservative arts television this invaluable mechanism for creativity has shepherded in hundreds of short films.

The timing of the commission worked out perfectly, as Alasdair & Jock had just finished working on the film The Liars Autobiography and, more recently, a short thank-you film for Land Rover USA’s 1 million Facebook fans.

As always it was great seeing Jocks latest preliminary sketches covering the walls at Trunk. This time of ice cream vans, logos for ‘Gelato’, geese and some rather bloodied polar bears.

The guys are currently developing their next project, a new collaboration with the wonderful and amazing Canadian band, the Tom Fun Orchestra. Trunk’s walls are once again going to be the host for some great artwork.

Source: Trunk Animation

Jennifer Wolfe's picture

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.
