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Animator Michel Gagné Launches New Comic Series

Animator Michel Gagné will be releasing the first issue of ZED, his new comic series, this coming September. ZED is an ongoing comic book story featuring an alien on an intergalactic adventure full of twist and turns. "This is an all-age book, but it has a strong edge to it. Without taking myself too seriously, I want to make this an epic, and run the full gamut of emotions," says Gagné. Three-time Annie Award nominated animator/writer Gagné is well known for his hardcover graphic storybooks, which have been favorites with children of all ages and alternative press fans, as well as cutting-edge graphic aficionados. He has made his mark in films such as THE IRON GIANT, PRELUDE TO EDEN and the upcoming OSMOSIS JONES, as well as several hardcover books including the best-selling INSANELY TWISTED RABBITS and critically acclaimed A SEARCH FOR MEANING: THE STORY OF REX. ZED #1 is currently available in select comic stores in the Los Angeles area and through Last Gasp, FM International and Diamond Comics will distribute ZED nationwide in September 2001.
