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Category: Jobs & Recruiting


When You Play Your A-Game

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, January 31, 2011 at 12:13pm

Giving it your all, calling in the shots, focusing, following, listening and playing your A-Game. When you’ve given it your best shot in your job efforts and have shown up to deliver your best, it’s now time for the hard part, to sit back, trust and yes, wait. Finding the resolve to release control over the job process when you know in your heart of hearts that you’ve showed up and delivered your best is not always easy.


Stop Selling Yourself Short

By Lisa Kaye | Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 9:19am

Everyone knows we are in a down economy. Just because you empathize with the state of the economy, does not mean you should forfeit your worth or value when it comes to what someone is willing to pay you. So many of you think that you may have made a certain salary, earned a certain income level in the past and you can’t or don’t deserve to ask for the same amount of money now. What’s changed? Have you gotten less experience over the years? Have you depreciated in value? Just because you may not have worked in awhile or are trying it on your own for a change, doesn’t mean you are worth any less?


Course Correct Your Career

By Lisa Kaye | Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 9:43am

When you feel like your job track has been all over the place and you’ve been running the relay like the Long Beach Grand Prix, it’s time to figure out how many laps you’ll need to get to the finish line. When you are not sure where you are headed other than the circles you keep running, it’s time to course correct your career and get yourself moving in the right direction.


Your Job-Rock, Paper, Scissors

By Lisa Kaye | Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 11:00am

The job search can and does feel like a crap shoot these days. When you may feel no matter you do, how many networking events you attend, how many job postings you apply to, you are in a mean game of rock, paper, scissors and you are always a mis-match! Even when you feel like your job search is more like a guessing game-guess again. You can win at this if you just sit back, and prepare yourself for an inevitable crap shoot with the occasional win.


It’s Your Career, Get On With It

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, January 10, 2011 at 11:02am

When procrastination gets in the way of moving your career forward, you can either sit and let the stomach worms squiggle around inside or actually, get up and get on with finding out what’s holding you back. It’s never easy to make change when it’s something you started or was forced upon you. Change is as we all know, tough on those who stubbornly fight against it or easy for those who move with the flow. If you are holding onto something that no longer works for you in fear of the unknown, then procrastination has gotten the better of you.


Career Crossroads

By Lisa Kaye | Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 4:47pm

Knowing when to make a left when you are going right, or to turn when the road seems to bend out of nowhere enables you to right the course of change when you come to a career crossroad in your search for the perfect job. It’s not as important to always have a clear vision of where your career is headed. It is important however to manage the obstacles, challenges, opportunities and gifts you come to find along the way.


Can You Hear Me?

By Lisa Kaye | Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 11:15am

Just like the dead-air you get when your cell phone reception fails, your job search can feel like that sometimes, when you recant the same phrase over and over again, “Can You Hear Me?” Getting discouraged, frustrated, annoyed and downright fed-up with the lack of response, follow through and in some cases common courtesy, is unfortunately a routine part of the job search these days. When your emails, voicemails and even FaceBook requests go unanswered, all you ever seem to want to ask is, “Can you hear me?”


When It’s Not The One…

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, November 29, 2010 at 1:33pm

Just because you’ve been working your butt off interviewing, networking and working every angle you can to find your next job, doesn’t mean every job is the right one for you. When a job is not the one you were hoping it would be, you need to walk away from the a pending offer just like you would a bad first date. For whatever reason when the job you want does not want you, you need to figure out a way to move on with grace, courage and the speed necessary to get enough traction between you and your next career move.


What Do You Really Want?

By Lisa Kaye | Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 3:01pm

When you struggle with what you think you want from your next job because you are convinced that you just need to work, you do yourself a dis-service. With unemployment benefits being extended to 99 weeks, it fuels the fires of doubt where it appears even the President is not confident in a job recovery anytime soon. Next time you find yourself ready to jump off a cliff because you just, “need to work” ask yourself, do you really know what you want?


I Just Hung Up On Morgan Freeman!

By Dan Sarto | Monday, November 1, 2010 at 9:41pm

I just hung up on Morgan Freeman. He called right in the middle of dinner and at our house, dinner is family time. Friday evening I hung up on Martin Sheen. I’m sure many other A-List celebrities have been calling of late, but I’ve hung up before they could introduce themselves and implore me to vote one way or another. The campaign phone calls have been relentless, like ants in the pantry in the middle of summer! I cannot remember a more vicious and completely demoralizing election. Who’s in charge of this pop stand? I demand to see the manager!


Job Fear Factor

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, October 18, 2010 at 3:03pm

The fears you face whether you are currently employed or desperately seeking a new position, need to be embraced and you need to boldly stare down your enemy for who and what it is. Identifying and coping with your job fear factors are a way for you to kick fear in the teeth before it takes a bite out of your ambition and your self-confidence.


No Job Offer? So what...

By Lisa Kaye | Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 2:31pm

Sometimes you feel like no matter what you do you just can’t seem to get it right. All the resume rewrites, networking parties, email requests, introductions and you still can’t get a job offer. When the going gets tough you don’t necessarily need to get going-in the other direction. When the jobs fall through, you...


If You’re Happy & Unemployed, Clap Your Hands….

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, September 27, 2010 at 4:36pm

Seems these days it’s not such a bad thing to be sitting on your bum, getting a tan, catching up on your reading or any other activity you were meaning to get to and couldn’t because you were over-worked and well, very employed. It’s not that your lazy by any means. So next time someone gives you a dirty look or rolls their eyes because you are still looking for your next job, just smile and clap your hands.

Animation Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 17

FFAF continues its Salutation to Tinselville this week with more animation conversation from the Heart of Hollywood. This week's special guest and lovably evil animator-innovator, JJ Villard, scratches the true grit of the LA animation underbelly as he devles into discussion on his films, animation career prep, dirty-dogs, the worth of the festival-hussle, the subtext of the Walk of Fame, choice Starbucks beverages, Shrek, major studio lunch-spreads, and how to charm the evil of it all.

Animation Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 16

The Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum hits Hollywood this week as they kick off their exclusive and elusive star-studded six week podcasting tour of the west coast animation dynasty. It's FFAFLA 2010! Join Alan, Joel, Computer, and Sam Olschan as they tinkle and toast their way into the hearts of the industry's most influential celebrataunts and debuties. Special guest and International Manimator of Mystery, Mike Overbeck, gets things going as he discusses his commercial work, personal films, unemployment animation time-fillers, and interrogation spy techniques.

Business Blogs

It's not always best to put all of your eggs in one basket

A small piece of advice - even good, honest people make mistakes and use poor judgment. The secret is not to buy into what someone tells you just because you believe the person would never lie to you. Better be cautious, even your mom and dad can lead you astray because they believe you'd make a great lawyer or sword-swallower or pickle maker - A person doesn't have to be a liar to be wrong so while you can respect others' judgment, never set your own aside.


When in doubt, change it up...

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, July 19, 2010 at 8:51am

Making the most of a bad situation these days takes a lot more than prayer, a glass of champagne, and getting lost in your iPad. If you’ve been lost looking for a ray of hope in the otherwise cloudy skies of the job market, just look up and if that doesn’t help and you are still in some serious doubt, then change it up.
