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Design Festa Vol.30

An international art event with over 8,500 artists attending!

Design Festa is a biannual international art event. Artists who have original work can participate with no restrictions. It is open to all artists from all over the world who want to exhibit their creative talent. For experimentation and an opportunity to take the next step in their artistic lives, this event is the place for artists to express their ideas freely!

Booth Areas 2,600 booths are set up throughout the event halls! This free-style exhibition is open to all original mediums for exhibition, presentation and sale! There are no restrictions, no limits of genre or expression. There is also a Dimmed Lighting Area for exhibiting works requiring low lighting, which is becoming more and more popular with every event.

Outdoor Live-Show Stage Special outdoor stage for live music bands! Rock, Funk, Jazz and much more, crossing genres, roll out your innovative performance!

Indoor Stage This space is for all genres' performances! Fashion shows, Drama play, Contemporary dance, etc, there is no limit of genre. You can join 1 Walk Shows doing fashion show, performance, one-hit action, etc!

Mini-Theater Space

Global creators express their eclectic multimedia work! Movies and mixed media performance, express yourself through originality! Work can be submitted from 5 min or more!

Restaurant & Cafe/Bar Areas Tempting international cuisine! Make a new style with your original menu.

Deadline for Event Area applications (Outdoor Live-show Stage / Indoor Stage / Mini-Theater Space) and the Restaurant / Cafe & Bar Area is Tuesday September 1st, so get on it.

Saturday, October 24, 2009 - 11:00am to Sunday, October 25, 2009 - 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 - 12:00pm