The animated preschool series, from Nickelodeon Animation, features heroic characters, a vibrant city, and thrilling musical adventures; hits the streamer December 13.
Apple TV+ has just dropped a trailer for its animated preschool series Wonder Pets: In the City, which premieres globally on December 13.
Wonder Pets: In the City introduces a trio of heroes: Izzy the Guinea Pig, Tate the Snake, and Zuri the Bunny. These classroom pets live in a kindergarten in New York City and travel all around the globe in their amazing “Jetcar” to rescue animals in musical, mini-opera-themed adventures. Together, there’s nothing they can’t do!
The new series features the voice talents of newcomers Victoria Scola-Giampapa as Izzy, Vanessa Huszar as Zuri, and Christopher Sean Cooper Jr. as Tate. The music-forward project also features Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony, Pulitzer Prize-winning composers including Bobby Lopez, Jason Robert Brown, Tom Kitt, Matthew Sklar, Larry Hochman, and is accompanied by the FILMharmonic Orchestra.
Produced by Nickelodeon Animation, the series is developed by Emmy Award winner Jennifer Oxley, who serves as executive producer alongside Steve Altiere and co-executive producer, Jeffrey Lesser.
Source: Apple TV+
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.