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Hiroshima 96, Journal de bord

Monique Renault (Pays-Bas).Jeudi 22, premier jour du festival Arriv hier apr avoir survolla moitidu monde sans en avoir vu grand chose. Si. Taiwan. C'est beaucoup plus grand que je ne l'imaginais. Pour moi, Taiwan c'etait un amoncelement de petits ateliers oles gens s'entassent pour fabriquer des faux Dior, des fausses Rayban ou Adidas ... Apparemment ils ont aussi des montagnes et de la verdure.

Je suis contente de revenir Hiroshima. En mai dernier, pour la selection - ah! la section! - j'avais douvert le...


The Cockroaches of Joe's Apartment

Author John Berger has observed that the only other living things that will survive alongside human evolution will be those which humans eat (like cows and chickens) and the cockroach. As Ralph, the lead cockroach in John Payson's unconventional feature film, Joe's Apartment has prophesied, after the bomb drops, roaches will rule the world. The idea of using the most universally loathed insect as a means to examine the landscape of human relatedness to other humans and the world they inhabit, questions the belief of human vitality and longevity. As a species, we are extremely...


Dirdy Birdy

I am very proud to present the first of a series of monthly comics to appear in Animation World Magazine featuring the international stars, Purdy, The Dirdy Birdy and Furgerina, from the heart-warming short animated film, The Dirdy Birdy. Soon The Dirdy Birdy will have his very own web site accessible through Animation World Network and everyone will be able to enter the strange and dysfunctional world of Purdy, The Dirdy Birdy. If you choose, write to The Dirdy Birdy at

Sincerely John R. Dilworth

All Rights Reserved. JRD 1996.


The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Hunchback of MTV?

Frollo, narrator of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. © Walt Disney Pictures.Max Fleischer's motto was "If it could be done with live action, it's not animation," and Dave Fleischer once griped to me about how many thousands of times he had to repeat that to the animators over the years to get them to improve their work with those imaginative, visionary impossibilities that belonged exclusively to the realm of creative animation. What would the poor Fleischer brothers think about the current animation scene, in which almost every animation studio is involved in duplicating...
