Oscars Rail

Redux Riding Hood

Produced by : Walt Disney Television Animation
Directed by : Steve Moore

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no film excerpts will be included in this report.

Redux Riding Hood is a first Oscar nomination for Walt Disney Television Animation, and the first film in the studio's series of shorts called, "Totally Twisted Fairy Tales." The film, lauded as an experimental collaboration between director Steve Moore and writer Dan O'Shannon, utilizes cel animation combined with 2-D collage. It features a cast of voices by June Foray, Garrison Keillor, Mia Farrow, Fabio and Michael Richards ("Kramer" on Seinfeld), among others. As a twist on the classic fairy tale, Redux Riding Hood tells the story of the wolf who is obsessed by his failure to catch Red Riding Hood. He invents a time machine to correct his mistakes and ends up making a comical mess instead.


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